Do you face issues
while opening Store in Windows, like the store is not opening, crashing or some
other related issues? Here’s the solution, read this article and forget these
while opening Store in Windows, like the store is not opening, crashing or some
other related issues? Here’s the solution, read this article and forget these
How to clear Caches of Store in Windows 10
Click on
Start and type ‘Run’.
Click on
Start and type ‘Run’.
Open it
and type ‘WSReset.exe’ and proceed.
Open it
and type ‘WSReset.exe’ and proceed.
Empty command
prompt will come in front of you.
Empty command
prompt will come in front of you.
When the
process done, the window will close automatically.
When the
process done, the window will close automatically.
So, start clearing
caches of your windows store and enjoy downloading apps.
caches of your windows store and enjoy downloading apps.