Early in this year, the Facebook owned Instagram introduced a feature which notifies you when someone captures your story, but the feature will not work anymore. Having said that, the developers of the application were testing the feature with some limited users and now there is a mixed reaction. So, the developers of the Instagram killing the feature.
Well, Instagram has officially confirmed that the testing has ended and it will no longer notify when someone captures your story. Having said that, there are many ways to take screenshot even without knowing that posted person. So, keeping a notify feature is not a sensible thing, maybe that’s another reason for killing the feature in the testing phase.
It is worth to mention that, even Instagram has now stopped the feature of notifying people when someone captures a screenshot of your Stories, it still notifies when someone captures a screenshot of disappearing messages in the Direct.
So, what’re your thoughts about this??? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
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