WhatsApp is the very important and essential application in our smartphones as the same not only a medium to chat with friends and family but it is the primary communication medium for personal and professional things. Today we got a new piece of information that is really disappointing for the users of India. WhatsApp says that the company might exit India and the reason is explained below. Keep reading to know the reason.
WhatsApp says that it will exit India if the instant messaging application is forced to break end to end encryption which is very important for the privacy of the users. The source says that WhatsApp has challenged Section 4 (2) of the Information Technology (IT) Rules, 2021, in the Delhi High Court.
The new rule requires social media platforms especially the instant messaging applications like WhatsApp to reveal the first originator of certain messages and this would require the end of end to end encryption.
WhatsApp is stressing to overcome the rule and the instant messaging application is in the side with the users. If the application asks to break the end to end encryption then WhatsApp will stop Its operation In India.
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