Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) ready to provide a broadband connection with download speed of up to 1,000 Mbps, Which at present offers a broadband facility with a top download speed of 100 Mbps on its fibre-to-the-home network.
Telecom minister Manoj Sinha launched a next-gen optical fiber technology. BSNL will enable this technology in upcoming FTTH services in 44 cities covering state capitals and major cities. The implementation would cost around Rs 330 crore and carry out by three phases.
“This project aimed to enhance existing 10G capacity to 100G capacity of Optical Fibre infrastructure of BSNL. This means now in back-end we will have 10 times more capacity and will be launching new plans with 10 times more speed. This enhanced capacity will help retail customer base of BSNL in landline, FTTH, and mobile services,” BSNL chairman and managing director Anupam Shrivastava said.
BSNL is offering a top speed of 24 Mbps for fixed line broadband connection and 100 Mbps speed on FTTH network.With the new upgrade, BSNL users could gain 1 gigabit per second on FTTH networks in all state capitals and other top cities.
NG-OTN (Next Generation Optical Transport Network) has a feature which helps in quick restoration of telephone services if it fails.NG-OTN will also be helpful to service central government projects like Bharat net, SWAN, NKN, etc.
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Via: Mobigyaan