Google Keep one of the most important application which we need in our day to day life, with this app we can save our important things which we don’t want to forget and want to complete before the day ends. I personally use the Google Keep app from a long time, and I never felt any bad experience. The app gives you notifications for the task, if you have set for it. And today with the latest update the app gains an important feature which it lacks this much time, as now the app gains undo and redo buttons.
As I mentioned above, the Google Keep app allows you to remind things which you want to complete before the day ends It also gives some pretty decent features also, like you can add and save texts, images, voice recording, or you can also hand drawn memos can be saved into the app. And now with the latest update, it gains the ability to undo and redo which the app does not had from the long time.
After updating the app to the latest version, you will see a new button between the ‘+’ icon and the overflow menu, and the new button is the undo and redo button. With this you can get rid of the most recent changes, you can do so with a simple tap and bring it back with another tap.
The update will roll out soon and it will hit on your device soon, so keep your eye on Google Play Store.
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Via: 9to5Google